Jurisdiction of the Shoura Assembly

the jurisdiction of the Shoura Assembly is defined in Articles (194) & (195) of the
Constitution. According to Article(194)of the Constitution,the Shoura Assembly is concened
with the study and proposal of what it deems necessary to preserve the principles of the 23 July,
1952 Revolution and the I5 May, 1971 Revolution, to consolidate national unity and social peace,
to protect the Alliance of the people's working forces and socialist gains as well as the basic
constituents of the society, its supreme values, its rights and public freedom and duties, and to
deepen the democratic socialist system and widen its scope.

	Article(195)of the Constitution provides for the Shoura Assembly to be consulted on the
following matters:	

I- Proposals for the amentment of one or more Articles of the Constitution.
2 - Bills complementing the Constitution.
3 -Ihe draft of the general plan for social and economic development .
4-Peace and alliance treaties, and all treaties affecting modifications in the state's territories or
  those relating to its sovereignty rights.
5-Bills referred to the Shoura Assembly by the President of the Republic .
6-Any matters relating to the state's public policy or its Arab and Foreign afffirs', policy
  referred to the Shoura Assembly by the president of the Republic.

	Worth mentioning, the President of the Republic has exercised his constitutional right by
referring many of the bills( along with bills complementing the constitution )ahead of which the
State's General Draft Budget for the fiscal year 97/98 . the President of the Republic had as well
referred many of the issues which he recommended to be studied such as the G.A.T., Basic
Education and the Press.

Discussion Question:

Article (129) of the constitution stipulates that any twenty members of the People's Assembly and the Shoura Assembly as well as for the discussion of a public question to the ascertain the government policy regarding such a question.

Motion to Express Opinion:

Article (130) of the constitution stipulates that the members of the people's assembly as well as the members of the Shoura Assembly shall be entitled to express their opinions concerning public questions before the Prime Minister or any of his deputies or any of the Ministers.